Saving School Lunch



2023 Wise Traditions Conference

The Kansas City Convention Center
301 W. 13th Street
Kansas City, MO


9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (lunch is Included)


Saving School Lunch:
Lessons from the Frontline of a Weston A. Price School Kitchen



Join School of Lunch for a special 1-Day Training Academy in partnership with the 2023 Wise Traditions Conference in Kansas City, MO on Thursday, October 19th, 2023.

This special event takes place on the day BEFORE the conference officially begins. Registration is separate from the Wise Traditions Conference. Tickets are available(???).


The meals and snacks served to our children in schools has become the least nutritious, ultra processed food imaginable. It doesn’t have to be this way. Using the principles of the Weston A. Price Foundation, School of Lunch has been serving the most nutritious meals possible to K-12 students for 6 years running at a private school in California. Our model is now being replicated by others across the country. Join us in finding out how we’ve built the program, meet leaders we have trained and learn what you can do to further support this vital work. Together we can all model ancestral wisdom and nutrition for our children.

Talk Outline and Schedule:

9:00 -10:15 am:

Serving the Best School Lunch in the Country: Director of School Nutrition for The Manzanita School in Los Angeles, Hilary Boynton shares what her school lunch program looks like in its 6th year of operation, the values and effort that made it a reality and the story of how it came to be.

10:30-11:45 am

Take a look under the hood: Learn the nuts and bolts of how the School of Lunch kitchen stays true to its values. Get a look at how we set up the supply chain, menus and the nutrition goals that every mother would be proud of.

12:00 PM: Lunch

Lunch is included and specially made for the Wise Traditions Conference attendees in accordance with Weston A. Price guidelines. (Menu TBA)

1:15-2:30 pm

On the line with the kids (the lunch line): Engaging with the students is key! We say that education is on the menu – every day. From the current villainization of meat, to the lost appetites in children taking medications, to full vegan families; we see it all. Learn how we find common ground to share knowledge and ancestral wisdom about nutrition and a real food menu, especially whensupporting the youngest children.

2:45-4:00 pm

Ambassadors in Action: Meet the leaders that work with School of Lunch and have attended our School of Lunch Training Academies. Hear how they are making further change across the nation in collaboration with SOL. A panel discussion with these leaders will be moderated by Wise Traditions podcast host, Hilda Labrada Gore. (Q/A will close out the session.)

Hilary Boynton and the School of Lunch team will be present at the conference for questions and meetings across the weekend.


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